A memorial is an object which serves as a focus for the memory of something, usually a person (who has died) or an event. Popular forms of memorials include landmarks, objects or art such as sculptures, statues or fountains, and even entire parks are designed to serve as memorial places of remembrance. Benches can be incorporated into the design and are often personalized for multiple life events, historical events or for individuals themselves.
Many people plant garden memorials in honor of a loved one. The garden can be filled with flowers, statues, benches and personal items from the deceased, to become an area of peace, solitude, and reflection. Whatever memory you are hoping to create, there are many ways to memorialize that cherished remembrance with memorial benches.
Perhaps your memory includes a place, such as where you camped growing up, or where you played a hobby or sport together? Memorial benches can be personalized and donated to the property where these memories remain. Families usually hope to create unique and personal areas to visit time and time again.
When someone passes, the family may request that a memorial gift be given to a designated charity, or that a tree be planted in memory of the person. Sometimes, when a student has died, the memorials are placed in the form of a scholarship, to be awarded to high-achieving students in future years, or in tree plantings on school grounds. The idea of a granite memorial bench to sit quietly under a planting can add an extra special touch to tree memorial gift giving.